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Writer's pictureSophia Brading

What is S.E.O? Why Is It Important For Your Restaurant?

S.E.O. — Search Engine Optimisation is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine.

Optimising your website involves editing its content, adding content, and modifying HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and remove any obstacles to the indexing activities of search engines.

Good S.E.O. for your website is important so that your website receives more visitors from a search engine. The higher your website ranks in the search engine, the most visitors you receive - these visitors can then be converted into your customers.

87% of smartphone users use search engines at least once a day. (Go-Globe)

In this day and age, when your customers get hungry and decide they want to eat out, they often search Google first to look for a nice place to eat, and you would hope they find your restaurant in the search results.

All restaurant owners should strive daily to attract new customers using online techniques and to stay fresh in the thoughts of their existing customers to make sure they make a return visit.

The question is, do your customers find you if they are not purposely searching for your hotel by its name?

Your hotel website will probably show up in search results if someone searches for it by name "Bello Italiano" or "Dave's Breakfast Place" but what if they are searching for something less specific, like “Italian restaurants on Isle of Wight,” “Places to eat in Ryde”, “Best place to eat Breakfast near me”?

To win on the search engines, your website needs to communicate the answers to these questions and state these facts to them.

Don’t misunderstand us though, this may sound simple but there are complicated algorithms that Google change regularly but the upshot is – make certain your restaurant website is answering the questions asked in searches by your potential customers, using the words they are using and you’ll show up on the first page of Google.

How do you do as a restaurant do this effectively?

Be sure that your website content is actually content and not images. If the images on your website read “Italian Restaurant,” the search engines can’t read that. They only read the typed text. So it’s also good practice to have your restaurant menus typed in and not inserted as downloadable PDFs or scanned images.

88% of consumer local business searches on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. (Nectafy)

Your restaurant address, including town or city, needs to be stated on most of your web pages, even if it’s also in the footer, in the sidebar or in a graphic.

Tell your customers (and search engines) about your restaurant in detail.

For example, if your restaurant is a great place for an engagement party or a birthday party you say so in the copy on your website.

These small changes will help improve your S.E.O pretty quickly but if you need assistance please get in touch with us.

“A good chef has to be a manager, a businessman and a great cook. To marry all three together is sometimes difficult.” - Wolfgang Puck
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